January 17, 2005

How Do They Do That?

I will try to demostrate in words, illustrations and photographs the method or methods employed by professional electricians in the field. Snaking wires into exisiting walls, hooking up various household electrical appliances installing the electric service to the building. I will discuss the various skills we, as electricians must possess to do our jobs, you'd be surprised at what we have to know!
Bending and installing electrical conduit, an art in and of itself, will be illustrated, demonstrated and explained. When I am through,you will never walk through the local Home Depot, Saples, Lowes or any store ceilings, with exposed framing members again without taking notice of the overhead conduits, fittings and electrical boxes in plain view. Never knew what those things were up there, you thought the only thing you would find in pipes is water, or gas? Think again, this isn't The Three Stooges, there's wires in them pipes! Find out how many wires and to what those wires connect. Join me as I expose the truth about these workers, not to educate, but to inform.
It is my intent to raise the standard under which electricians are viewed in the real world, in real time, because I am here to say that electricians are not your average construction worker, that they are the elite of their peers. Afterall, electricians bring things to life and their talents and everyday accomplishments, which go largely unnoticed, contribute immeasurably to our environments, bringing light, heat and electrical power to the structures we work on and you live or work in everyday.


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